Austin City Guide

As the Texan capital, Austin has played a central political role since the state joined the Union in 1845. The city has taken on an increased importance at a national … Read more

Vienna City Guide

As the second-largest German speaking city and former centre of the Austro-Hungarian empire, Vienna’s urban landscape is iconic. Freud, Beethoven and Mozart called the city home, streets composed of Baroque … Read more

Coastal & Mountain Running in Hermanus, South Africa

, July 1, 2018

Just two-hours drive from Cape Town, Hermanus is known to be the best land-based whale watching location in the world. With mountain bike trails, surf beaches and everything inbetween, this satellite town reaches out to the seasoned adventurer,

Craft Active Extreme Crewneck 2.0

, January 16, 2017

Attempting to train during a Bavarian winter warrants the most ludicrous garments. When keeping warm is a vital ingredient to continuing a regular off-season training diet, baselayers absolutely come into their own, … Read more

Newton Running BoCo SOL

, April 29, 2016

After shredding a pretty neat pair of Newton Running Distance III’s while climbing with a friend in Norway I decided that was it – this road shoe can’t be trusted … Read more

Victoria Falls Marathon, Zimbabwe

, December 3, 2015

Though running races are hard to come by in Zimbabwe, a handful continue to draw international appeal. The Victoria Falls Marathon is one such race, wrapped around the country’s most … Read more

“Running Free”- Richard Askwith

, September 15, 2015

The commercialisation of running has prompted a number of new debates, from the corruption of our primordial connection with movement to the environmental and social degradation caused by the industry. From … Read more

Newton Running Gravity III

, May 24, 2015

It all began around Thanksgiving in 2011, dragging a friend through obscure retail outlets in Phoenix, Arizona just to find a shoe. If it weren’t for the promise of the … Read more