Bonfire Coffee, Carbondale, Colorado
Will Ross, July 17, 2017

Turning your back on the city and pointing your toes to the mountains can be difficult, especially if you have demanding caffeine requirements. Fortunately Colorado’s mountains west of Denver offer plenty of craft, including a handful of some of America’s most popular breweries and roasteries.
As you drive west on the I-70, climbing higher into the Rockies, you pass by the idllyic Glenwood Springs before taking a left to Aspen and a junction town, Carbondale. It’s here you’ll find some welcome hospitality thanks to Bonfire Coffee, Carbondale’s foremost coffee spot.
Bonfire’s roasting facility is based down the road in Glenwood Springs, also the site of their wholesale operation. Meanwhile their single origin and blended roasts make their way to Carbondale and pair up up with smoothies, freshly made juices and a healthy menu for breakfasts and lunches.
As for setting: a vaulted ceiling and curated playlist featuring M83 was enough was enough to lift my day during a visit in 2012.
Have a look at this video to get a feel for the space and the presiding authority of the bean.