Balthasar Coffee Bar, Vienna

, June 1, 2017

Find yourself outdoors on a sunny Vienna afternoon and you’ll be caught between two types of locals. Either measure your tan against the golden brown reflecting from topless members of the community and its upper echelon around the Praterersand Wiener Sportstätten swimming pool. Or sidle up to locals who have taken to the town’s shaded spots, of which Balthasar Coffee Bar is certainly one.

A wide pavement and ample outdoor seating fronts one of Vienna’s most sought after coffee spots at Praterstraße 38. As well as serving a range of in-house blends, Balthasar have a wide selection of sweet and savory pastries, including a limited supply of sandwiches for your midday fare. See below a snap of my choice, and the carefully poised wall-mounted lamp looking in from an angle.




This cookie and coffee came as a small reward for visiting an athletics track for workout before doing some laps in the stainless steel pool in the Praterersand. After feeling ghostlike alongside the deep brown of other swimmers, it was comforting to return to the fold of light brown coffees and others lounging in the shade.

Where do you go when you’re overheating in Vienna? Email tips to Will Ross (

Header Photo: Nicky Webb