Strandebad Alte Donau Open Water Swimming Area, Vienna
Will Ross, August 25, 2017

There comes a point when no kind of vented top or fanning technique will keep you cool during the Austrian summer. In Vienna for a long weekend in June 2016, I found myself frequently parched and looking for watering holes to break up the day.
Fortunately, Vienna caters for swimmers well and has supported the development of an open water swimming area right in the centre of town, part of an oxbow lake formed by a liberal left arm of the Donau (Danube) river.
Alte Donau is a robust complex complete with several acres of swimming area and pebbled shoreline for relaxing. A pontoon provides a platform for tanning and catching up with friends, while showers and a small store sugarcoat this setting with convenience and confectionary. As if weren’t enough, Alte Donau is also next to “Donaucity” – an extensive sports complex with an athletics track.
Drop by during the summer months, and have a look through water quality readings to truly appreciate the prestige of this urban facility.