Gravel Burn Race in Eastern Cape, South Africa
Will Ross, January 25, 2025

Embracing the rise of Gravel racing, the founder of the Cape Epic have launched Gravel Burn – a seven-stage, supported race taking place in South Africa’s Eastern Cape. Two decades of running the mountain bike Cape Epic has allowed its founder Kevin Vermaak to build a reputation for operating off-grid, athletic events with serviced accommodation surrounded by rugged South African landscape.
The launch route arcs north-east from Knysna in the direction of Blaauwater Farm and Graaf-Reinet, the fifth oldest town in South Africa. Riders will then cut south-east to finish at Shamwari Private Reserve north of Port Elizabeth. Most stages are 80-120km, with estimated completion times with range from 3-4.5 hours for the fastest (taking roughly twice as long for the trail riders). The longest stage is 160km, and key climbs are signposted on the website including total metres climbed.
Participants will be housed in single-person, military-grade 2.5m x 2.5m tents, arranged in a “lahpa” of 20. Free beers and wine are included in the $3,290 international entry package, for those willing to combine liberal sundowners with 10,000m of climbing across 850km. Rider belongings are relocated between the camps each day (two nights at Blaauwater Farm).

As well as altering the accommodation format for Gravel Burn, the event differs from the Cape Epic for being at the end of the European season during the cooler October/November season. The Spring (southern hemisphere) timing also means that a larger share of international pros can attend to pursue the $150,000 first place prize, and northern hemisphere amateurs can add an adventure to extend their summers.
The 2025 edition takes place between 26th October and 1st November. Knysna is the nearest town, just under two hours from George airport by car.
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